Privacy Policy of Clip Coin


Effective Date: December [ 1 ], 2023


Welcome to our application! 


 As the provider of Clip Coin products and services, we attach great importance to the protection of your personal data, and we will protect your personal data and privacy in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations. We make this privacy policy and would like to remind you of the following content.

This Privacy Policy sets out how we handle your personal data when you download, install, log in, browse, use and log out (collectively, "Use") the Clip Coin application, and we are committed to protecting your personal data with appropriate security measures in accordance with generally applicable industry security standards.

It should be noted that this Privacy Policy only applies to Clip Coin products and services provided by us, and this Privacy Policy does not apply to services provided to you by other third parties (including other companies or organizations that advertise in our services, links to third parties, etc.), and you should fully understand the product features and privacy policies of third-party services before choosing whether to use them.

Please ensure that you have read and fully understand this policy, especially the italicized and bolded text before using our products and services. We will reserve the right to revise and update this Policy from time to time, so please check the latest version of this Policy. If you do not agree with or accept the terms of this Policy, please stop using the products and services we provide. If you continue to use the Software after the terms of this Agreement have changed, your use constitutes acceptance of and compliance with the updated terms.

In addition to this Privacy Policy, in certain circumstances, we may also explain to you the purpose, scope and use of the corresponding data collected by means of instant notifications (including pop-up windows, page prompts, etc.), feature update instructions, etc. These instant notifications and feature update instructions form part of this Privacy Policy and have the same effect as this Privacy Policy.


1. Collect and Use Your Personal Data

Following the principles of legality, propriety, necessity and good faithwe collect and use personal data that you actively provide during the use of the service or generated by the use of our service. If we want to use your personal data for other purposes or scenarios not specified in this Policy or use the collected data for other purposes based on specific purposes, we will inform you in a reasonable way and obtain your consent again.


Use: Only receive this data if you voluntarily provide it. It is used in order to customise play.

Use: Store this data and advertisement and certain marketing analytics data with your profile if you click on a link or interact with content that promotes the Service in order to gauge the effectiveness of our advertisements.

Marketing data- Advertising data about you that we collect directly from you and from third party ad partners (e.g. Facebook and Google) via a third party SDK (Appsflyer and AppLovin), such as your IP address, IDFA, Android advertising ID (AAID), which users click/view our campaign and creative materials, e.g. photos and videos that are advertised on the ad partner’s platform, your advertising ID and other user engagement data (purchase behaviour and in-app behaviour) (collectively, “advertising identifiers”), Facebook campaign ID, user search terms and Google Adwords campaign data and identifiers. We also collect certain advertising data about you which we share with third party ad partners (e.g. Facebook and Google) via a third party SDK (Appsflyer and AppLovin) to monitor the success of our advertising campaigns, such as your advertising identifiers, user in-application activities  (including login, purchase activities, friends invited and user retention) and other tracking data (mobile device IDs, hashed email addresses, demographic or interest data, and content viewed or actions taken on a website / app)

Use: Conduct general analytics to improve our Servicereview performance and paymentsensure smooth play and provide troubleshooting, such as addressing and remediating technical issues, error fixing and debugging.

Application analytics data- user region and device data for performing overall application analytics, including error fixing, troubleshooting and debugging

Customer Support as A Purpose (in-app or via email)- name, open ID, device ID, application version, free space on phone, network type, iOS version, platform and network type, carrier, country code and any photos that you may wish to upload to illustrate problems.

Use: Send you push notifications about announcements, updates or data relating to the Service.

Sending Push Notifications as A Purpose- device model, device name, device manufacturer, running process data, SDK version, application package name, application version, operator name and network type.


Use: Detect and prevent cheating and any domain name hijacking on the Service.

Security Data- Android: device root status, list of installed hack software, list of running hack software, hash values of application files (encrypted), host file tampered, running in Android simulator, Android SDK API Level, equipment boot time, equipment brand and model, CPU structure and CPU model, resolution, Sensor status, device kernel version, country code, language, available memory and available space, internet type (WiFi/4G/3G)

2. Cookies or similar technologies

Cookies or similar technologies like pixels and local storage provide you with a better, faster, and safer experience. We may use cookies or similar technologies to gather and store data, and in the process may send one or more cookies or anonymous identifiers to your device. This is done to

Collect your data for understanding your preferences. 

Consult or data analysis. 

Improve product services and user experience.

Timely detect and prevent security risks to provide you with better services. 

We will not use cookies for any purpose other than those described in this policy, and you can retain or delete cookies according to your preferences. You can clear all cookies stored in the software, and your relevant data will be deleted when you manually clear them.


3. How We Store and Share Your Personal Data 

3.1 Store

Your personal data will be processed on servers that might not be in the same country as where you live in accordance with our agreement with you. We take the appropriate measures to protect your rights in compliance with this Privacy Policy regardless of where our servers are located.


Your data can be accessed from outside of where you live by our support, engineering and other teams around the world.


Marketing data about you that is collected or shared with third party ad partners (e.g., Facebook and Google) may also be stored and processed on our third party SDK’s (Appsflyer and AppLovin) servers in the United States. Customer support data may also be stored in our third party partner’s servers in the United States.


3.2 Share

Only where situations occur will we share your personal data with third parties, as follows:


3.2.1 The Service needs support provided by Third parties

This situation includes:

(a)providers of cloud services that process data identified in this policy on their servers for the purpose of providing the Service, 

(b)and for the purpose of providing marketing and advertisements on ad partners’ platforms ( Facebook, Google, Apple, Twitter, Snapchat, Appsflyer and AppLovin) and monitor the success of our marketing and advertising programs on such platforms. 


All companies providing services for us are prohibited from retaining, using, or disclosing your personal data for any purpose other than providing us with their services.


3.2.2 The Service needs support from the other companies within our corporate group

In order to operate the Service and conduct surveys for us, the other companies within our corporate group may process your personal data. All related group companies may only use your personal data in accordance with this Privacy Policy.


3.2.3 For legal reasons

There are circumstances in which we are legally required to disclose about you to authorities such as to comply with a legal obligation or processes, enforce our terms, address issues relating to security or fraud, or protect our users’ data, or compliance with the law, when the personal data is needed to: 

(a)comply with a legal obligation or processes

(b)enforce our terms

(c)address issues relating to security or fraud or protect our users. 

(d)enforce our terms and conditions and other agreements, including:

(i) investigation of any potential violation thereof

(ii)detect, prevent or otherwise address security, fraud or technical issues

(iii)or protect the rights, property or safety of us, our users, a third party or the public as required or permitted by law (exchanging data with other companies and organisations for the purposes of fraud protection and credit risk reduction).


These disclosures may be made in accordance with the conditions of a valid legal process, such as a subpoena, court order, or search warrant, with or without your permission and with or without notification. The terms of the legal process normally forbid us from notifying you of any such disclosures. If a governmental entity asks for your personal data and fails to offer the required subpoena, court order, or search warrant, we may seek your permission before disclosing the data.

4The Security of Your Personal Data

4.1How We Protect Your Personal Data

We are committed to adopt industry-standard security measures to protect your personal data, and strive to ensure that your personal data is not leaked, damaged, lost, misused, unauthorized access or disclosed at any time; Implement encrypted storage, encrypted transmission, and permission control; and holding security and privacy protection training courses to enhance employees' awareness of the importance of protecting personal data. 


Please be aware and understand that the Internet is not an absolutely secure environment, and the communication methods with other users such as social software cannot be completely encrypted. Although we will implement and maintain reasonable measures to protect your personal, we cannot guarantee the security of the  transmitted through the Service or otherwise via the Internet; any transmission of your  which you do at your own risk. Complex passwords are recommended to use when using such tools. We advise that you pay attention to the security of your personal data. 


In the unfortunate event of a personal data security incident, we will immediately set up a special emergency response team, activate the emergency plan, prevent the expansion of the security incident, and promptly inform you in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations: the basic situation and possible impact of the security incident, the disposal measures we have taken or will take, suggestions for you to prevent and reduce risks on your own, remedial measures for you, etc. We will promptly inform you of the relevant circumstances of the incident by SMS, telephone, push notification, etc., and when it is difficult to inform the Personal Data Subject one by one, we will issue an announcement in a reasonable and effective manner. At the same time, we will also take the initiative to report the handling of personal data security incidents in accordance with the requirements of regulatory authorities.

6. How We Protect the Personal Data of Minors

Our Service is not intended for children. Children must not use the Service for any purpose.

We do not knowingly collect personal data from children under these ages for any purpose. If you are under these ages, do not use or provide any information on our Service or on or through any of their features, including your name, address, telephone number, email address, or any screen name or username you may use. If you believe that we have personal data of a child under these ages without parental/guardian consent, or if you are the parent or guardian of the user and wish to withdraw consent, please contact us at [] and we will delete such data.


7. Changes to this policy

From time to time we will need to make changes to this policy. Some of the changes will be in response to changes in applicable laws and regulations. If we seek to make a material change to our policy to allow use of Personal Data for a new, legitimate business purpose, we will document the change to this policy, note the date of the last update at the bottom of the policy, and show you the changed Policy in a push notification, pop-up window or other appropriate form that meets legal requirements when you log in and update the version.You are encouraged to check this policy occasionally to stay informed of any changes in our policies and procedures regarding Personal Data. For substantial and material changes to the policy, we will use reasonable efforts to provide notification to all affected users and suggest that such users review the updated policy.

8. Contact & Complaints

You can contact us in the following way and we will respond to your request within 15 working days:


If you have any requests, concerns, questions about our personal data processing behavior or privacy policy, or request to access, correct, delete your personal data, change the scope of your authorization and consent, the personal data subject cancels the account, responds to your above requests, or refuses us to use your personal data. You can contact us at the following email [ ]. 


If you aware that your personal data may be leaked, you can make a complaint and report it to us using the contact details above;



This section applies to California residents covered by the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (“CCPA”).


Collection and Disclosure of Personal Data

Over the past 12 months, the following personal data from or about you or your device has been collected and disclosed:

Category Detail Source

Identifiers such as your name as it appears on your social media profile, open ID / user ID, IP address, phone number, mailing address, email address, and nickname directly from you and your device and from social media platforms (if sign up via a social media account)

Internet or other electronic network activity data such as your data regarding your use of the Service, including level, score, date and other device data as described in the main policy directly from you and your device

Commercial data about any transactions within the Service such as what products were purchased and how much they cost directly from you and your device and the Google Play or Apple iOS store

Other data described in subdivision (e) of Section 1798.80. directly from you in the context of being our consumer

Purposes of Collecting Your Personal Data:

•To provide you the Service, including offering the Service, maintaining your account, and delivering audio and text messages;

•To process surveys;

•To improve our services, including the functionality of the Service;

•For security and verification purposes, including to prevent and detect fraudulent activity;

•To address and remediate technical issues and bugs.

 We disclose personal data to the following types of entities:

•Other companies within our corporate group who process your personal data in order to operate the Service

•Other companies that provide services on our behalf who are prohibited by contract from retaining, using, or disclosing personal data for any purpose other than for providing the services to us

•Regulators and judicial authorities and law enforcement agencies

•Entities that acquire all or substantially all of our business


In the past 12 months, we have not sold Personal Data of California residents within the meaning of “sold” in the CCPA. 


Rights under the CCPA 

If you are a California resident, you have the right to:

•Request we disclose to you free of charge the following data covering the 12 months preceding your request:

the categories of personal data about you that we collected;

the categories of sources from which the personal data was collected;

the purpose for collecting personal data about you;

the categories of third parties to whom we disclosed personal data about you and the categories of personal data that was disclosed (if applicable) and the purpose for disclosing the personal data about you; and other specific pieces of personal data we collected about you;

•Request we delete personal data we collected from you, unless CCPA recognizes an exception; and

•Be free from unlawful discrimination for exercising your rights including providing a different level or quality of services or denying goods or services to you when you exercise your rights under the CCPA.   


We aim to fulfil all verified requests within 45 days pursuant to the CCPA.  If necessary, extensions for an additional 45 days will be accompanied by an explanation for the delay. 


How to Exercise Your Rights

You may wish to log into your account and manage your data from there. If you are a California resident to whom the CCPA applies, you may exercise your rights, if any, regarding other data by contacting us at [].


European Economic Area (EEA) 

When you are located in the EEA, you will have following additional rights: 

•To ask for a copy of your personal data to be provided to them, or a third party;

•To lodge a complaint about the processing of your personal data with your local data protection authority in the EEA.


When you are located in the EEA, your personal data will be transferred to recipients in countries located outside the EEA, which do not provide a similar or adequate level of protection to that provided by countries in the EEA.


You hereby expressly consent to the transfer of your personal data to recipients, as described in this Privacy Policy, which are located outside the EEA. You may withdraw your consent at any time.


You can use your accounts of the App to update and correct your personal data. You can also contact us and ask us to update or correct your data.


We do not knowingly collect personal data about children under the age of 13 (in EEA is under the age of 16). If a parent or guardian becomes aware that his or her child has provided us with data without their consent, he or she should promptly contact us and we take reasonable steps to ensure that such data is deleted from our files.


Questions, comments and requests regarding this Privacy Policy are welcomed and should be addressed to [].